a b o u t    m e

Profile Sketch

Hello! I'm currently an undergraduate student in my final year studying Computer Science with a minor in Economics at The George Washington University. Ever since participating in Girls Who Code SIP in 2015, I've aspired to become a values-driven software engineer and role model to help empower other women in tech. I'm a strong believer that collaboration, communication, empathy, and transparency are integral to being a great team member. In my free time, you can find me seeking travel inspiration, training for my next marathon, trying new restaurants & writing reviews, listening to podcasts, playing board games, or making avocado toast.

e x p e r i e n c e


Uber September – December 2021

  • Super excited to be interning on the Rider Verticals team building Uber’s latest brand new products and services!

  • Slack

    Slack May – August 2021

  • Added native debug logging and monitoring into new rate limiting framework for the main webapp

  • earth

    Gap Year ! August 2020 – May 2021

  • 🌴 Oahu, Hawaii (Aug-Jan): Interned remotely at the awesome YC S20 startup Warmly for 3 months
  • 🇰🇷 Seoul, South Korea (Feb-May): Took a beginner Korean language course and travelled around the country

  • Salesforce

    Salesforce May – August 2020

  • Refactored the new message notification in Embedded Chat, improving the UX for 8M+ monthly chat sessions

  • Amazon

    Amazon May – August 2019

  • Built an internal console to onboard user-provided policy type data onto a new system within AWS Organizations

  • Moody's Analytics

    Moody's Analytics June – August 2018

  • Designed and developed internal tools as an intern on the User Experience team

  • NIST

    National Institute of Standards & Technology June – August 2016

  • Studied and conducted experiments with antibody-protein antigen complexes
  • Coauthored a research paper published in Antibodies journal
  • c o u r s e w o r k

    💻 Computer Science

    • Human-Computer Interaction
    • Computer Graphics
    • Algorithms
    • Operating Systems
    • Theory of Computation
    • Software Design: Handheld Devices
    • Database Systems
    • Systems Programming
    • Software Engineering
    • Computer Architecture
    • Discrete Mathematics
    • Data Structures
    • Intro to Software Development

    💵 Economics

    • International Trade Theory & Policy
    • Financial Economics
    • Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
    • Principles of Economics

    📚 Electives

    • Environmental Sustainability
    • Fundamentals of Management
    • Mental Health in Singapore
    • American Sign Language
    • Linear Algebra
    • Probability & Statistics for Engineers
    • General Psychology

    t r a v e l

    Growing up, I've always loved experiencing places and cultures, whether it's a quick visit to a nearby national park or a long-term international trip. I'm fortunate enough to have been able to travel to 26 countries and counting! Check out this interactive map to see which countries I've visited so far.

    My top destinations on my travel bucket list are: Japan, Taiwan, Bolivia, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland, Bhutan, and basically the rest of the world  🌎

    You can read some of my travel guides here !